Thursday, March 27, 2008

Great Organizing Website

I'm a big fan of success by baby steps. When I'm working with clients, we usually start small (one drawer, one section of a closet, etc.) Once you see you CAN do something small, and stick to it (!!) it's a lot more rewarding.

I want to challenge my readers to finally organize that underwear or sock drawer. A terrific product (that I use, one for my socks, one for my underwear) can be found at:

Stacks and Stacks is a site that offers storage and organization for just about any challenge. Poke around their site, you'll have fun. But be sure you don't just buy a bunch of stuff with developing a PLAN!

Ladies, you've heard it many times, but most of us are wearing the wrong size bra. Do yourself a favor and take a trip to Victoria's Secret, where they will not only measure you, but will give you a box that has a trial of every bra they sell in your size. Then, you're free to shop easily.

Happy spring cleaning! Email me your challenges and success! And p.s. don't forget to measure your drawer before your buy the sock organizer!!

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