Monday, April 7, 2008

Ask the Organizer Question: Mom Papers

Ask the Organizer Question:

"My biggest and most frustrating problem is the paper pile that accumulates on my kitchen countertop. The pile of paper consists of invites that I need to reply to, registration forms for the kids, anything that needs follow up! The pile spreads...I thin it out...but it never seems to go away. The problem is that we're quite tight on space, so I really don't know how or where to organize these various papers so that they are out of sight, but not out of mind!"

Reader, I'm so glad you asked this question! Those of us with school-aged children (and of course, anyone with a mailbox..) can relate and share your frustration. I'll share with you what I've done and you might be able to adjust it to your needs.

I've broken it down into 2 storage areas for "mom" paperwork: "deep storage" and "active file" (see picture to the right). What's in the "deep storage"? It's a stand up hanging file box ($10 at Target) with the following files, "sports", "preschool", "scouts" and "kindergarten". What I keep here are items that are important (school handbook, old sport team info., scout phone lists, etc.) BUT don't need to be in my main area of operation. So it's things I need, but not right away, or not in the near future.

The ACTIVE file: Mine is a $3 plastic notebook (you might want to get one that can stand upright, with a cute binder (Target!)) In this notebook are ACTIVE invites, sports schedules, permission slips, etc. It's in my main area of operation (near the phone and near my computer) and it's something I peak in every few days. Not EVERY day, but every couple of days. It's out of site, it's orderly, it was cheap to throw together and it works. And since it's papers you're dealing with, there is no need to have them out of the notebook. They'll fit neatly, put away.

Good luck, dear reader and remember, you don't need to have every last piece of paper in your active area - break it down, girl!

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