Monday, April 21, 2008

Gardening Catalogs

Because Spring arrives in New England at a turtle's pace, it's a lot of fun to spend early Spring browsing seed and bulb catalogs. Today I got a fantastic one from the people at Seeds of Change, which is all certified organic.

Here are my favorites:
Seeds of Change: www.
Brent and Becky's Bulbs:
Burpee Seed:

This year we are going to build ourselves raised garden boxes, based on the book "All New Square Foot Gardening", by Mel Bartholomew. There are many advantages to this method, including bringing in really good organic, composted soil, being able to walk around the box (for weeding and picking) and because they look really pretty! I'm not interested in digging up the yard, so we can place these on the edge of the property. I love the idea of an organized garden (go figure!!)

We're going to build 3 boxes (to start!) and plant:

Box 1: Giant Heirloom Zinnia, for late summer cuttings
Box 2: Herbs and Tomatoes
Box 3: Kids Box! Either sunflowers or pumpkins

I'll take pictures for the blog once we've built the boxes and set them up.

Happy Spring!

1 comment:

jane said...

Would you believe me if I told you I was planning to do the same thing?!
The only difference between the two of us....I will think about doing it for a couple years and then build them, maybe by 2010!
Please post pictures when you're finished.