Saturday, May 17, 2008

Getting stains out of teacups

Believe it or not, this life-long coffee drinker has converted to tea! Of course, I couldn't just drink normal tea like everyone else, I had to become addicted to the hard to find African Redbush tea, which is the fabulous red (and always caffeine-free) variety. With added milk, it tastes wonderful. I like the fact that I'm no longer filling half my drink with cream and sugar!

I recently figured out an easy (and cheap) way to knock the tough tea stains out of my nice white tea mugs. I picked up some Oxi-based cleaner (powder) at the local dollar store (it's called "LA's Totally Awesome", I swear I'm not making this up!! As a child of the 80's, I love the Valley Girl reference). I filled the cups with a little scoop of the cleaner, hot water and let them soak. 15 minutes later, I wiped them clean and they looked perfectly new again.

Enjoy the tip and let me know if you've tried this!

1 comment:

TomBon said...

Sounds like a good tip. I would also recommend the Magic Eraser from Mr. Clean. I use them to clean my coffee and tea cups and have had excellent results. -Uncle Tom