Friday, June 13, 2008

Cleaning, one room at a time...

Hello Friends! I apologize for the delay between postings, my computer is being serviced and I'm depending on my husband's laptop after work.

So, I've started cleaning my house in a new way. In the past, I've cleaned all over without much of a plan. If something looked messy, I'd pick it up. If something needed dusting, I'd do it. This week, it occurred to me that I'd have to clean less if I cleaned more thoroughly, one room at a time.

Let me elaborate...Monday, I cleaned the heck out of the kids' bathroom. Beyond the normal toilet and counter top cleaning, I washed the shower liner, dusted the light fixtures, organized the towel closet, etc. If you combine cleaning and organizing and approach it in all all-encompassing way, it feels a lot more satisfying when you're done. Each day I tackled a new room. Nothing over the top, but really really thorough. Try it. Don't take on the whole house one day over the weekend, take on just one room and DO IT REALLY WELL!! And yes, when I say cleaning, I mean organizing as well. The two really go hand in hand :)

Good luck! Tomorrow I'm on to the living room! Time to finally dust the top of the light fixture and dust some bookshelves!

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