Thursday, June 5, 2008

Etsy, I love it!

Okay, let's file this one under "how the heck did I not already know about this!". I was poking around on one of my favorite blogs tonight and a website "Etsy" was referenced. It's fantastic! It's a place where people and buy (and sell) hand made items. Check it out - you'll see some of the most artistic and interesting hand made products: baby clothes, office organizers, amazing bags, etc.

Let me know. And Sandra and Laurel, you need to sell some of your handiwork!


Anonymous said...

Be careful, you'll get addicted I tell ya! You can even search by color. Just in case you are in a blue kind of mood. :)

sandra said...

This site I stumbled upon about a year ago and always find such neat stuff that people are making and selling. I would so much rather give my money to a crafter/artisan than to a store that mass produces its products.