Friday, June 27, 2008

Doing with less

One of the things I strive towards is living a life with less. Less clutter, less complication, less waste and more calm. It's something that matters to me more as I get older and especially as my children grow and have more things.

Something I'm working on now is truly having nothing in my home that I don't believe to be beautiful or believe to be useful (my favorite quote from W. Morris). Now for someone like me, who is constantly organizing (I would only admit that to you!!), I take this very literally and seriously. Why? Because I'm really prioritizing this! I want to have the calmest environment I can reasonably have (while still having a husband and 2 children to share a house with!!) A calm home nurtures my mood, my mind and my soul.

My project today is the basement. I'm going to pull out some old decorations and things and ask the tough questions, "does this define who I am? who I'm hoping to be? is it still functional?" and then I'll pass some things on (neighbors, Salvation Army, friends) I'm not taking on my whole house, just a room. Just today.

Where can YOU start? Maybe really small like your sock drawer or the area under your bathroom sink? Let me know what your struggles are and I'll gladly pass on some tips!

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