Monday, June 2, 2008

Healthy Living from the Inside Out

I'm a bit of a health nut (minus all the chocolate I eat and baking I sample, but I think that's very important for your soul!) I'd like to think I'm fairly well read in the "health" book department.
One of the best books I've read, and re-read is Mariel Hemingway's Healthy Living from the Inside Out. Yes, Mariel Hemingway the actress/yogi/grand daughter of Ernest....

What's special about this book is her focus on the big picture. It's not a diet book or an exercise book, per se. What she does is focus on four interconnected things: Food, Exercise, Silence and Home. Most people are really caught up in the Food and Exercise stuff and forget about the important of Silence and Home.

Here's a quote from the Home section that I love:

"When your home is a haven, it is not only a place that encourages your creativity, it is also a healing place. By that I mean a place where every day you can shed your fatigue or stress, feed and care for your body in a positive way, and lift your spirits so that you experience sustained well-being".

THAT is what I've been trying to preach with organizing :)

So if you're on the look out for a new health book, this comes highly recommended by yours truly!

1 comment:

L said...

I have this book - and love it! Definitely a good recommendation.