Sunday, June 29, 2008

Organizing the Fridge/Freezer

I've told you how much I love Organize Magazine, right? The most recent issue has a short but very informative article about keeping the fridge/freezer organized. I struggle with this a little with my freezer because we don't use a lot of frozen food (we're vegetarian, so it's mostly just veggie burgers, frozen fruit and ice cream!), so I forget what I have. In addition, we are lucky enough to have a nice new freezer, but a downside is that the drawer on the bottom is so large that you lose track of what's in the big drawer.

Organize Magazine had a great and cost effective idea for large areas like this - use a metal (or plastic) shower caddy (that is essentially a small basket). I'm going to do this, after measuring the drawer to see how many I can fit side by side (NOT stacked on top of each other, which defeats the point!). I'm thinking one for frozen berries, one for vegetables and one for random stuff (i.e. panko breadcrumbs...where do those go!)

Just when I thought I've read it all, something like this comes along and I think "ah ha!!"

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