Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Garage Clean Up

It's not on the top of most of our to-do lists, but I think summer is a perfect time to spruce up the garage. And if you don't think a clean garage is important, you're wrong :) For a lot of you, it's the first place you start your day (on your way out the door) and the first sight of home when you return. I'll address all sorts of small things you can do to spruce up your garage over the next few weeks.

I use a lot of paint (surprise, surprise!) and am often left with a very small amount left in the can. The problem is it's too much left to just toss in the garbage, which is totally against the rules (!!!) An easy and environmentally kosher alternative? You can get a $2 bag of kitty litter and put some in the can. It dries the paint and makes it easy to toss.

Don't let things like old paint cans clutter up your life! Good luck.

1 comment:

karingebhardt said...

hi, most communities take old paint back on special collector days for that stuff. Don't toss paint in the garbage, it ends up in landfills!